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Posted on 11-24-2014

Pet grooming keeps your dog looking great, but that is far from its only benefit. Regular grooming is an important way to keep your pet healthy, because your pet's health is linked to the health of his coat. But grooming your pet yourself can be stressful, for both you and the pet. That is why Fairview Animal Hospital will now be offering pet grooming services.

Health Benefits of Regular Pet Grooming

Getting your pet groomed regularly is one of the most important things you can do to protect his health. A dirty, matted coat is itchy and unpleasant for your pet, and it also creates an environment where parasites like fleas, ticks and ear mites can thrive. Bathing and brushing your pet at home can be a real hassle, but a professional grooming session can take the stress out of caring for your pet's coat.

Our professional groomer can also help you keep your pet's coat trimmed to the right length. Cut your pet's fur too short, and he could get a sunburn — too much sun exposure could even increase your pet's risk of skin cancer. Brushing your pet's coat prevents mats, and removes loose fur, dirt and debris, and lets his skin breathe.

Nail-trimming is another important part of the grooming process, especially for dogs that spend a lot of time indoors. If you do not keep your dog's nails trimmed, they can grow so long that they penetrate your dog's paw pads. This can be painful for your pet, especially if the wound gets infected. When you have a professional groom your dog's claws, you will not have to worry about cutting into the quick and hurting your dog.

If your dog has skin issues that require special care, our groomer can help with those, too. Medicated baths can help with conditions such as seborrhea, itchiness or fleas. Our groomer can also check your dog for lumps, bumps and signs of injury or infection.

Why not schedule a pet grooming session today?

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